Big Day Out gets bigger

Surfing combined with family fun will be the feature of Kakanui's Big Day Out, a fundraising event on Saturday, March 7, for the Kakanui School.

Last year's inaugural event, which included a surfing carnival at Kakanui for the first time in more than 10 years, raised about $1200 for the school, but this year's will be bigger, organiser Jo Perkins said yesterday.

Last year there were 13 stalls. This year 20 were booked already.

Surfing carnival organiser Jeremy Holding expects entries to grow from about 40 last year, with interest coming from further afield.

Mrs Perkins said this year's Big Day Out, at Campbell's Bay between 9am and 4pm, would include a wide variety of entertainment, including music by DJ Soplifta and special guest DJ Kato, from Britain.

There would be a children's dance competition, family competitions including tug-of-war, a treasure hunt, beach dig and sand sculptures.

Market stalls already booked included tarot readings, coffee, Riding for Disabled pony rides, a children's activity tent, face painting, bouncy castle, ice creams, sausage sizzle, white elephant, clothing, plants, jewellery and the Cancer Society.

Market sites were still available by contacting Kakanui School.

The surfing competition had sections covering all age groups and skill levels.

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