Fears upgrade dangerous

The Maori Point Rd intersection roadworks. Photo by David Cannan.
The Maori Point Rd intersection roadworks. Photo by David Cannan.
Residents fear an upgraded state highway intersection near Tarras is an accident waiting to happen. Maori Point Rd's intersection with State Highway 8, just south of Tarras, was recently upgraded by the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA).

Nearby residents have complained to the Central Otago District Council that an S-shaped bend in the intersection would cause accidents.

CODC roading sub-committee chairman Neil Gillespie raised the issue at a meeting of the group in Alexandra yesterday.

Mr Gillespie, of Cromwell, said people had complained to him about the work, including some who had "extensive" roading experience.

"I've had some pretty bad feedback . . . in the views of the locals it's a disaster waiting to happen. It needs to be looked at," he said.

CODC roading manager Julie Muir told the meeting NZTA had designed the upgraded intersection, which was given consent by the CODC last year.

Ms Muir said she had received a phone call requesting work be extended further along Maori Point Rd, although she had not been out to the intersection since work began.

"There are some issues about Maori Point Rd that need to be addressed in the longer term," she said.

Speaking to the Otago Daily Times after the meeting, Mr Gillespie said he felt confident leaving the issue with Ms Muir.

"I just wanted to raise it at the meeting so she can receive that feedback and do what needs to be done. At this stage, I'm not personally sure how much of an issue it is, or if further work needs to be done," he said.

Mr Gillespie said trees on nearby Ardgour Rd at the Lindis Crossing were also frustrating locals, who had to drive around them.

"Cars have to veer to avoid the trees hanging over on Ardgour Rd, and it may be OK for small vehicles but it's not ideal," he said.


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