Didymo disappearing

Didymo is disappearing, in places, in the Waitaki River.

In a report to Central South Island Fish and Game's meeting on Thursday, Kurow-based officer Graeme Hughes said he had received several reports on the apparent decline in didymo.

A fishing guide, who saw the river on a regular basis, said one of the biggest changes was the area just below the old Hakataramea mouth which used to be well covered in didymo. There had been a massive ‘‘clean-out''.

While being very cautious, the guide said he was almost convinced the invasive algae was ‘‘on the way out''. There were plenty of areas where it was still quite obvious but it seemed to be disappearing, dying and certainly not increasing.

When contacted, Mr Hughes agreed there were places it was disappearing, and quite large areas were now clear.

He did not know whether it was temporary or ‘‘the beginning of the end''.

It had also been disappearing in the Hakataramea and Maerewhenua Rivers.

‘‘We will really have to wait until winter to see what happens,'' he said.

Didymo flourished in the river last winter, he said.

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