Tie-dyed hues of pink, green and blue and the smiles of six Arthur Street School pupils brightened up the Dunedin Hospital Oncology ward yesterday.
The pupils, accompanied by Arthur Street School teacher Brad Meads and principal Kim Blackwood donated about 80 handmade bandanas packaged in red boxes to cancer patients.
Arthur Street School pupil George Hamilton said his class of years 6 to 8 pupils had spent the past 10 weeks sewing and tie-dying the headscarves.
"We had a chance to learn how to sew and tie-dye and what better way than to give it to the community to help people.''
Ms Blackwood said the project had been a learning experience for all involved, including project leader Brad Meads who "learnt to sew on the job''.
"We also had grandparents come in to help teach children how to stitch.''
The project was the latest in a string of charity projects the school used to support charities, she said.
"The key thing is being able to help the community in various ways.
"Most people experience the impact of cancer nowadays in some form,'' Ms Blackwood said.
Dunedin Public Hospital oncology department nursing manager Therese Duncan said she knew her patients would "absolutely love'' the gift.
"The bandanas can become very important for patients, particularly women, who lose their hair.
"They can help with patients' body image and self-esteem.
"And the fact that these ones are all unique, it is very special.''
Before presenting the bandanas to oncology staff, the visitors had a tour of the hospital.
All pupils were adamant they would continue to tie-dye and continue to help the community because both "felt fun''.