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Beth Cochrane, Jess Mulligan, Lillieana Shore, Mackenzie Skene and Laura Fenwick, all of Oamaru.

Blake James, of Oamaru, Shadea Green and Bayleigh Scannell, both of Queenstown, and Tazman Samson, of Oamaru.

Ethan Griffin, of Timaru, Maddicyn Ross, Kaleb Smail, Emma-Kate Newlove, Nadia Kerr, Connor Ford and Katie Mckeown, all of Oamaru.

Da-hae Kim, of Oamaru, Regina Sippel, of Germany, and Hannah Gardyne, of Oamaru.

Jessie Conlan and Sione Alofi, both of Oamaru.

Bailey Templeton, of Millers Flat, Kate Caldwell, of Weston, Riley Chandler, of Albury, Jack Simpson, of Albury, Georgina Foster, of Horarata, and Jacob Sullivan, of Fox Glacier.

Olivia Anderson, of Danseys Pass, Jesse Young, of Oamaru, and Simone Reid, of Kurow.

Hamish Gough, of Darfield, James Kinsman, of Fairlie, Russell Beattie, of Lawrence, and Maka Mafileo, of Auckland.
At the Waitaki Boys' and Waitaki Girls' High Schools formal, Loan and Merc building, Oamaru, Saturday, June 25.
Photos by Hamish MacLean; prints available from