Commissioners seek more information

The commissioners considering a resource consent application to build a watersports facility on the Lake Wanaka foreshore are asking for more details about a "minor re-siting'' of the controversial building.

A decision by commissioners Robert Charles Nixon (chairman) and David Clarke was considered imminent.

However, yesterday Mr Nixon issued a minute to submitters saying the commissioners wanted more information on a suggestion made at last month's resource consent hearing by lawyer for the Wanaka Watersports Facilities Trust Graeme Todd.

"Towards the close of the hearing we heard from the applicant that it may be possible to reduce the number of trees that might otherwise have to be removed to establish the proposed building,'' Mr Nixon said.

"Reference was also made to the possibility that a minor alteration to the siting of the building may facilitate the retention of some of the existing trees.''

The commissioners understood such alterations would not create any new non-compliance issues.

While they wanted to take a look at the suggested re-siting option, Mr Nixon said: "We emphasise that this does not imply that consent will be granted, and no final decision has yet been made.''

He asked for a site/landscape plan that showed the "minor re-siting'' and identified trees that might no longer need to be removed.

Mr Nixon also asked for another arborist's report and other information about the effects of the re-siting.

He required the new information to be available by May 30 and submitters would then have a chance to comment before June 20.

Mr Nixon said it was not planned to reconvene the hearing.

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