Plenty of people, according to North Otago Bird Fanciers Club Show spokeswoman Olwyn Gibb.
She was expecting dozens of people to turn out to this weekend's bird show at the Drill Hall in Itchen St, Oamaru.
Mrs Gibb said more than 600 birds from Invercargill, Timaru, Ashburton and Christchurch would be shown at the two-day event.
Species would include at least five different types of canaries, budgies, finches, hook beaks and roller canaries.
While show officials would be judging most of the birds on their type and colour, the roller canaries would be judged on the contours of their song, Mrs Gibb said.
"There's a different way they sing. There's a gluck and a roll. There are 15 different little tunes that they sing. They're quite beautiful,'' Mrs Gibb said.
The roller canaries were kept in a special cage overnight, she said.
"In the morning the judges open the doors and they start to sing ... You hope they start to sing.''
People loved bird shows for different reasons, but one that stood out was that they were family friendly, she said.
"Their children love to see the birds,'' Mrs Gibb said.
The show might also act as a public service, Mrs Gibb said.
There was every chance the sounds of the competing birds might draw out the infamous peacock of South Hill, she said.
"He might come down to have a look and then we'd grab him,'' Mrs Gibb said.
The bird now known as Hank or George was first reported as a nuisance on February 3.
The doors to the bird show open to the public at 1pm today and 9am tomorrow.
Results of the best in show and other categories are expected to be announced tonight.