Anzac Day marches and services around the region

Local Anzac Day services in the region

Mosgiel: There will be a short memorial service (expected to last 10 to 15 minutes) starting at 8.30am at the East Taieri Cemetery. This will be followed by a march from the Mosgiel RSA in Church St from 9am, led by the Mosgiel Brass Band, to Factory Rd and across to the cenotaph in Gordon Rd.

Two rounds from a 25-pound gun will be fired, followed by the Last Post and a short reading. Participants will then march back to the Mosgiel RSA, where a formal service will be held including a speech by Colonel Roger McElwan.

A choir from Fairfield School will provide a musical item and the head girl and boy from Taieri College will each read short life stories of two Mosgiel residents who died in World War I.

Outram: At 11am people will march to the Outram cenotaph, where a service will be held including reading the names of Outram people who died in World War 1.

This will be followed by refreshments at the Outram Bowling Club.

Middlemarch: Attendees are asked to gather at 11am outside the Strath Taieri Community Centre, at the corner of Swansea St and Browns Rd, before marching down the main street to the war memorial, where a service will be held including the reading of the names of Middlemarch residents who died in World War 1.

This will be followed by refreshments at the Strath Taieri Hotel.

Brighton: A parade will leave the Brighton Rugby Club at 9.40am and march to the Brighton Community Hall in Taylor St, where a service will be held from 10am.

Green Island: Attendees are asked to meet at Civic Hall at 10am. A parade will then leave the hall at 10.15am and march to St Peter Chanel, where a church service will begin at 10.30am.

This will be followed by a commemorative service at the war memorial, which will start at 11.15am. Refreshments will be served at Civic Hall after the service.

A free bus, courtesy of Otago Road Services, leaves for Green Park Cemetery at 11.45am. Posies will be laid at the cemetery at noon.

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