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The Ripponburn Rippers from Ripponburn Home, Cromwell. Back: Sheryl Francis, Roz Todd and Ngaire Allison. Front: Jacinta Neilson and Jo Lemin.

Caycee Smith, Malia Banks and Emily Hecht-Wendt (all 12), of Clyde School.

Victoria Daniel and Maia Mitchell (both 11) of the Goldfields School (Cromwell) team.

Happy Days Team: Donald Mason (I'cargill), Charmaine Skolnic (Cromwell), Sue Flintoff (I'cargill), Marilyne Hayward (Alex.), Pam Mason (I'cargill), Helen Harrington (Cromwell), Alf Hayward (Alex,), Phoebe Harrington (Dun.) & Pat Holder (Cromwell).

Kiahn Morgan (11), Lachlan Bryant (12), Cohen Laing (12), Steve Worthington (12), Phoebe Wellstead (11), Delicia O'Brien (12) and, in front, Liam King (12).

Ali Cameron, Kara Cradock, and Denise Thorne, of the Alexandra Physio team.
Central Otago Relay for Life, Cromwell Racecourse, Sunday, April 3, 2016. PHOTOS BY: Lynda Van Kempen.
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