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Writer and 'ODT' columnist dies

Gordon Parry.
Gordon Parry.
Writer and former Otago Daily Times Memory Lane columnist Gordon Parry died in Dunedin yesterday morning.

He was 95.

A Dunedin identity, Mr Parry was the ODT's daily Prester John columnist for 12 years and for two decades wrote nostalgia column Memory Lane, before stopping in 2014 because of ill health.

Mr Parry contributed to the Dunedin community in many ways, including as chairman of both the Otago Peninsula Trust and the Otago Patients and Prisoners Aid Society.

He was an active member of St Paul's Cathedral, served as president of the Otago Brevet Club, a member of the Plunket Society Advisory Board and the Otago Medical Research Foundation executive and was a JP from 1967.

He wrote about 35 books, many of them histories of Dunedin-based companies.

He worked at the ODT for a total of 18 years - as reporter, chief reporter, features editor, editorial writer, critic and columnist.

An obituary will follow.



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