Spirit of giving alive at inaugural 'Big Feed'

Caleb (16) and Ashleigh (19) Dudley carve ham and lamb for "The Big Feed" Christmas dinner in...
Caleb (16) and Ashleigh (19) Dudley carve ham and lamb for "The Big Feed" Christmas dinner in Oamaru yesterday. Photo by David Bruce.
Tony and Jill Dudley had 35 people for Christmas dinner yesterday.

But they had plenty of help, with 15 good folk volunteering for "The Big Feed" - the first time anyone can recall a free Christmas dinner being organised in Oamaru.

With more volunteers to help than the kitchen could hold, a "too-many-cooks-spoil-the-broth" approach had to be avoided.

The inaugural dinner was attended by people ranging from those finding it difficult to afford Christmas, through to individuals, including new arrivals in Oamaru, who wanted to be part of a traditional family-style Christmas dinner.

The idea was provided by Mr Dudley, who is also pastor at the Orwell Street Gospel Chapel.

The chapel, with its well-equipped kitchen, provided the venue, but help to organise, prepare, cook and serve the dinner came from all sectors of the community.

Support included help from volunteers on the day through to donations of money and food.

"It's been something that has been in my mind for a while. This year it all came together," Mr Dudley said.

A "low-key" approach was adopted with the inaugural event, but the interest has been so great Mr Dudley hopes it will become an annual Christmas-day function in Oamaru.

Mr Dudley said he could see a need for the dinner in the future.

"We have had a lot of people who found out too late to do something this year offering to help next year."

Volunteers involved in the dinner had given up their Christmas day.

"For some people, it is a sense of giving out from their plenty, giving back something that has been given to them," he said.

The help had been incredible, he said.

The offers of help reflected a change in attitudes - instead of spending up large, people were asking if there was more to Christmas than that.

"It is not what you receive, but what you can give which is the greatest gift at Christmas."

That included two of Mr and Mrs Dudley's children, who along with other children, waited on tables to serve guests their Christmas meal.

The meal consisted of a main course and dessert - traditional "Christmas fare" - along with Christmas crackers and decorations to create a thoroughly festive air.

The menu consisted of chicken, ham off the bone, lamb, new and roast potatoes, peas, sweetcorn, coleslaw and pasta, lettuce and rice salads.

Dessert included pavlova, plum pudding, ambrosia, strawberries, fruit salad and brandy snaps.

Preparation of the meal started on Wednesday, then began in earnest from about 9.30am yesterday.

Guests sat down to the meal at noon and volunteers were involved until mid-afternoon cleaning up.



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