A descendant of Ned Kelly wants to establish a museum dedicated to telling the warts-and-all story of Australia's most infamous bushranger.
Kelly's great grand-niece Joanne Griffiths announced the plan on the 135th anniversary of his hanging for crimes including the murder of three Victorian police.
Ms Griffiths and her relatives have set up a not-for-profit trust to build the Ned Kelly Centre somewhere in northeastern Victoria.
The Kellys lived at Greta, near Wangaratta, and the Kelly Gang's last stand was at nearby Glenrowan.
Ms Griffiths said the centre would tell the story of Ned Kelly in the context of the time and would not take a side on the misdeeds of the Kelly Gang.
"It's not our place to judge the rights and wrongs," she told AAP today.
"We want to present all views and let the public decide. We're trying to do the right thing here.
"That's not for us to do. The history is what it is."
Fundraising for the project is in the very early stages but Ms Griffiths said there have been donations of memorabilia including an 1879 letter, written by Ned, that explains the circumstances of the time.
Kelly had an acrimonious relationship with police and he and his gang were involved in crimes before they murdered Constables Michael Scanlan and Thomas Lonigan and Sergeant Michael Kennedy during a search near Mansfield in October 1878.
Kelly was captured and his associates Steve Hart and Joe Byrne were killed in a siege at the Glenrowan Hotel in June 1880.
Ms Griffiths today paid her respects to Ned by laying flowers at the gallows where he was hanged at the Old Melbourne Gaol on November 11, 1880.