A new board being recruited to oversee Forsyth Barr Stadium's physical requirements could also advise the Dunedin City Council on its $89 million investment property portfolio, it has been suggested.
Council staff have been referring significant property matters to the full council in recent years, after an earlier property subcommittee lapsed after the last local body elections in 2013.
But a council staff report, to be considered at today's full council meeting, suggested that could be about to change.
In future, property matters could be referred to the new board of Dunedin Venues Ltd, the company which owned the stadium building.
DVL was separate from Dunedin Venues Management Ltd, which ran the stadium, but the two companies had previously shared the same board of directors.
That changed with the council's stadium review, concluded last year, which recommended the recruitment of a new, independent board of directors for DVL.
Recruitment was already under way, and the skills expected would be a mix of commercial, legal and property expertise, council corporate services group manager Sandy Graham's report said.
''This skill set could also be appropriate for any board providing advice around the council's property portfolio,'' she said.
Ms Graham's report to today's meeting recommended the three or four directors appointed to DVL should also be used as a property advisory group.
The group would advise the council on its $89million investment property portfolio, which included the Wall Street mall, although the council would still make final decisions about the portfolio's future.
If approved, recommended candidates for DVL's board would be presented to the council in the next two months.