Tapanui's popular October beer festival is moving away from its original Bavarian theme this year.
Beerfest 2015 was taking on a Rugby World Cup-inspired League of Nations approach, West Otago Swimming Pool fundraising committee co-ordinator Rachel Hanna said.
The organisers hope to see all 20 World Cup nations represented at the October 3 event.
''They don't have to be dressed as rugby players. They will come dressed representing one of those countries,'' she said.
The ''beer wenches'' would stick to their traditional Octoberfest serving attire but the songbook for between sets of local band DV8 would be internationally flavoured as well.
Ticket prices included a 390ml stein commemorating the night as a West Otago Swimming Pool fundraiser.
The community had raised $130,000 since August last year, Ms Hanna said, and the aim was to raise $300,000 to replace the roof over community-run heated 25m lane pool and children's pool.
The roof was expected to be replaced in the off-season of 2016, Ms Hanna said.