Funds boost for regional business

Clive Geddes.
Clive Geddes.
A new funding source for regional business initiatives could help to bring more tourists from China to Otago, help set up a new film studio and assist a Dunedin business incubator to explore the demand for business support, Otago Forward chairman Queenstown Lakes Mayor Clive Geddes said yesterday.

Otago Forward - which promotes regional economic development - announced yesterday it had secured funding to pay for feasibility studies into the three projects.

Otago UpStart was a business incubator in Dunedin exploring demand for "intensive business support" from businesses based around Otago.

A business feasibility study and economic impact analysis of a film studio in Queenstown was being carried out by Film Otago-Southland; and the Otago Chinese Heritage Tourism Project was under way, assessing the potential for a Chinese gold-mining heritage trail throughout Otago and to recommend ways it couldbe implemented.

Mr Geddes said that at this stage, each project would receive between $60,000 and $80,000.

As well as the feasibility studies, Otago Forward had secured $1.9 million funding for the Otago Institute of Design - a joint venture between Otago Polytechnic and the University of Otago - along with a regional economic development strategy.

Mr Geddes said the latest projects showed Otago Forward was progressing well.

"We've got buy-in from the local authorities in Otago and New Zealand Trade and Enterprise is backing our ideas, too.

Collaboration is working in our region and I am excited about the potential of the future economic impact of the projects we are exploring.

"Film Otago-Southland spokesman Kevin Jennings said the funding for the film studio feasibility study was "invaluable" - it would ensure the economic impact of a film studio was clear and make it easier for investors to make decisions.

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