Naturalist to talk on wetlands biodiversity

Rod Morris
Rod Morris
A community enhancement project at the mouth of the Waianakarua River will get an added boost on Sunday when noted naturalist and photographer Rod Morris, of Dunedin, conducts two walkabouts.

Last year, the Herbert Heritage Group project was promised $9000 over three years from a Government conservation fund.

On Sunday, Mr Morris will talk about the area's biodiversity during two walks on the Waianakarua wetlands at the river mouth at 10.30am and 1pm. There will also be a treasure hunt during the day.

A working bee will also be held to prepare for summer in the wetlands by stacking cut gorse to be burnt, weeding and planting.

The work will enhance the river and provide better habitat for whitebait spawning and native birds. It will also ensure the quality of the river's water remains high and keep the area beautiful.


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