Doc beefs up reserves security

Mess left after a New Year's Eve party at Moke Lake this year.
Mess left after a New Year's Eve party at Moke Lake this year.
Disruptive behaviour at the Moke Lake and 12 Mile Delta Recreation reserves and camping grounds has prompted the Department of Conservation to hire a private Queenstown security firm to patrol both areas.

Up to two security personnel have begun periodic visits to the reserves at weekends and might extend their patrols during weekdays.

They will be in communication with Doc and Queenstown police.

Doc Wakatipu area manager Greg Lind said the department had received reports of three incidents of noisy partying at the popular scenic reserves in the first week of summer alone.

No damage had occurred during the latest three incidents; however, Doc signs, facilities and land had been damaged by irresponsible revellers in the past.

"Legitimate recreational users are being disrupted and inconvenienced by this disorderly behaviour. And I don't want to see responsible users of these public facilities being driven away year after year," Mr Lind said.

He said it was not a new issue, but Doc wanted to put an end to it this summer.

"We will continue to work with the police and encourage the public to keep coming forward with information about these gatherings."

Both the Moke Lake and 12 Mile Delta reserves are popular family recreation areas.

Fishing, swimming, walking and camping are attractions at both sites.

Doc has erected signs informing campers and other users that they should ring police if noise and behaviour become unreasonable.

"We want people to both call the police and contact us with any information they may have about noisy parties," Mr Lind said.

Doc investigated a party at the beginning of 2008, following assistance and information from the public, and the organisers were prosecuted.

Mr Lind said the department would take similar action against the organisers of any similar and unpermitted gatherings from now.

Large private functions and the use of generators on the reserves require a prior permit from Doc.

Signs will be erected stating that large gatherings and parties with loud music are prohibited after 9.30pm.


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