Eating way to success

Receiving the Heart Foundation's Gold Heartbeat Award for healthy eating on behalf of St Patricks...
Receiving the Heart Foundation's Gold Heartbeat Award for healthy eating on behalf of St Patricks School, Dunedin, is Janelle Howard (left) with Jo Arthur from the foundation. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
St Patricks School received the big tick for healthy eating yesterday, the first school in the Otago region to receive a gold Heartbeat award from the National Heart Foundation of New Zealand.

Janelle Howard (10) received the honour on behalf of her fellow pupils from foundation spokeswoman Jo Arthur.

The school focused on offering lunch options which were appealing but healthy, health co-ordinator Joanne Henderson said.

A garden was set up to teach children about vegetables and cooking them, and the school was involved in the Fruit in Schools scheme.


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