Sports facility clears biggest hurdle yet

An artist's impression of the proposed new Arrowtown Community Sports Facility, planned for Jack...
An artist's impression of the proposed new Arrowtown Community Sports Facility, planned for Jack Reid Park. Image supplied.

Nine years after investigations began to establish a community sports facility in Arrowtown, the trust tasked with turning the dream into reality has cleared its biggest ''high jump'' yet.

Earlier this month commissioner Denis Nugent confirmed a notice of requirement to designate land for the Arrowtown Sports and Recreation Centre and granted resource consent for earthworks involving potentially contaminated soil.

Subject to an appeal period, the next step for the trust will be to apply for building consent which, if granted, will enable it to gather the last of the funding required and begin physical work.

Trust chairman Murray Bennett said the trust was ''absolutely ecstatic'' with the decision.

''We've got a few more hurdles to go but ... the one we've just done is a high jump. It's the biggest step we've made to date in the whole exercise ... it's by far a major stake in the ground.''

To date, the trust had confirmation of $1.39million funding of the $2.4million to $2.5million required for the work, comprising $500,000 from the Queenstown Lakes District Council, $600,000 from Central Lakes Trust; $100,000 from the Arrowtown Rugby Club; $125,000 from the Wilding Trust; and $65,000 of about $150,000 of in-kind support.

The total cost of the project had increased from $2.05million because of the new position of the building, which would now be near the site of the existing Arrowtown Rugby clubrooms, on reserve land which is now a gravel car park.

That decision meant a proposed grass training pitch had been scrapped.

Other work would include levelling the rugby field, which would be moved slightly; new floodlights, drainage and irrigation; a new car park; new roading access; and ''manipulation'' of some trees and replanting of others.

Mr Bennett said several funding applications were still to be made, including to the Lottery Grants Board, and it was likely the application would be made in February.

However, the trust needed the building consent before those applications could be made.

That was creating time pressure, as the next cut-off for Lottery applications was at the end of August.

''We're unlikely to meet that time target ... so, therefore, the next Lotteries [funding round] is I think in February.

''It's either going to be [we start work] in the spring, or it's going to be in the new year.''

Regardless, it was likely the Arrowtown Rugby Club would have to find a new home for the 2016 season, as the field was likely to be out of action for 12 months.

''Even if we did it now, I doubt the grasses would be ready to be playable by next winter.

''The grass has got to take, otherwise it becomes a muddy mess.''

Club president Simon Spark said investigations were under way into where home games could be played.

They would probably be at the Queenstown Events Centre.

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