Police waiting for postmortem result

Police are waiting for results from postmortem tests in the hope they will explain how an Oamaru man died on Saturday.

Wayne Ross (46) was found dead in a block of shops on the corner of Arun and Hull Sts about 5pm by Oamaru police after family had expressed concern.

Initially, a police team of 15 were involved in an unexplained death investigation and a postmortem was carried out on Tuesday. Police said they were now waiting for a toxicology report and the death remained unexplained.

A smaller team was still continuing investigations and would welcome any information about Mr Ross' movements after he left a Towey St address at 7pm on Friday.

He was 178cm tall and of medium build.

He was wearing blue jeans and a two-tone blue chequered jacket with a woolskin lining and collar.

Anyone with information can contact Oamaru police on (03) 433-1400 or, anonymously, Crimestoppers (0800 555-111).

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