The Vincent Community Board acted this week to remove the confusion over the two Alexandra roads which have the same name.
The town has one airport but two roads leading to the facility.
One of the Airport Rds is a loop which links twice to State Highway 8 between Alexandra and Clyde, while the other Airport Rd branches off the loop at a T-intersection and ends at the airport.
In December, Land Information New Zealand (Linz) asked the Central Otago District Council to change one of the names to clarify the address and clear up the confusion.
The problem had increased as subdivision created more building sites.
At that time, the board recommended the section of road that led directly to the airport be renamed Airport Link Rd but Linz Deputy Surveyor-general Anselm Haanen later objected to the name, saying it would still cause confusion.
Four people live along the section of road and they suggested Airfield Rd but Linz was ''reluctant'' to accept that name, as it might still be confused with Airport Rd, council roading assistant Christine White said in the latest report to the board.
An alternative name of Coates Rd, after James Coates who was a mining surveyor in the area in 1863, was has now been approved by the board.
The residents approved of the name and it was acceptable to Linz, Ms White said.
The only disadvantage was that it was not a ''logical name'' to use for a road leading to the airport. Renaming the other section of Airport Rd would affect a greater number of people - 40 property owners and at least five businesses.
Board member Malcolm Topliss said the issue should have been sorted out years ago. Changing the name of the section of Airport Rd which connected directly to the airport was ''the wrong way around - it makes no sense to me''.
''In 20 years' time when there's an international airport there, people will be driving past it, as they'll think Airport Rd goes to the airport,'' he said.