Salmon fry released in to lakes

Salmon fry. Photo supplied.
Salmon fry. Photo supplied.
The salmon population in Lakes Benmore and Opuha has received another boost this year with the release of 44,000 fry.

A week ago, the Central South Island Fish and Game Council released 24,000 into Benmore's Ahuriri arm at two sites and 20,000 into Lake Opuha at one site.

The 10g salmon were donated by Sanfords Ltd from its Waitaki hatchery on the Waitaki River at Ikawai - they were surplus to its needs.

Central South Island Fish and Game Council southern officer Graeme Hughes said the release provided another species of game fish for anglers in addition to brown and rainbow trout.

Last year a similar number of salmon, also from Sanfords, was released into both lakes.

Salmon from that release was now being caught.

They are about 28cm long, growing 20cm in a year, and could be more than 40cm long next season.

Another release would be made next year if the fry were available.

However, not all the salmon released this year would survive to a size for anglers to catch.

Mr Hughes said the fish tended to stay in one spot for some time after being released from the transport tanker, making them easy meals for predators.

At Sailor's Cutting on Lake Benmore, a large trout created bow waves chasing the small salmon and a crested grebe feasted on the fry.

Mr Hughes said the salmon were usually easy to catch and often schooled, leading to multiple hook-ups.

Some also found their way down into Lakes Aviemore and Waitaki, surviving the power generation turbines.


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