KidsHub returns, children stoked

The KidsHub Race Ride and Colour Slide is back for another year of fun and getting active in Gore...
The KidsHub Race Ride and Colour Slide is back for another year of fun and getting active in Gore. PHOTO: SUPPLIED BY KIDSHUB
Get ready to race, ride and colour slide with KidsHub on the March 22, with the organiser promising a magical day out for families and children to enjoy.

The event, starting at 10.30am at KidsHub, will have plenty for children 2-8 years old, and parents have not been forgotten either.

Children who enter will take on a mini-triathalon, riding bikes and running, ending with a water slide with a splash of colour added in, making it all the more magical.

There will also be face painting, baked goods, cookie decorating, a chance for the dads and grandpas to race, and a coffee cart for the parents, with the hub having an open day afterwards.

President of the Gore KidsHub charitable trust Kelsey Harrison said she was excited to see all the fun the day had to deliver.

"Just from a trust perspective, we’re just really excited to have our modified race ride and slide, race ride and colour slide back.

"We’re excited to welcome all our families and wider community families as well, to see the kids having fun, because that’s what it’s all about," she said.

Mrs Harrison said their events were reliant on volunteers and put the call out for anyone wanting to help deliver a great day.

"Events like this are 100% volunteer-driven.

"Our volunteers that work together to make it happen are so valued and incredible.

"If anyone is looking to be a volunteer then absolutely get in touch," she said.

Mrs Harrison thanked all the sponsors and volunteers who are on board already, including many local businesses.

KidsHub facility manager Emily Kubala said it was important to get the word out about KidsHub.

She hoped it would bringing families together and help like-minded people to meet.

"We love seeing new faces.

"The aim is let’s do something awesome for our kids and have a lot of fun together, get some people along and see what we’re all about.

She said they were here for the community, to help in any way they can.

"If someone comes along and sees what we’re all about, meets other people, and creates a village, that’s great.

"Because you need it when you’re raising kids," she said.

Mrs Kubala said if anyone felt drawn to helping out at KidsHub, the more is the merrier.

"If you’d like to be a part of something special, we’d love to hear from you.

"Get in touch today and help us make a difference," she said.