Several new cribs have been erected, and all the available boarding house accommodation is occupied.
Quite a number of people are in camp. As a result of the opening of the road from Green Island to Brighton for motor traffic, many motor cars and motor cycles have been seen at Taieri Mouth.
When motors first appear in a district, horses do not take kindly to them, and a driver had a narrow escape on Boxing Day from falling over a high bank into the river through the horse swerving. There are one or two dangerous places that should be fenced off.
Amongst the visitors are a number of instrumentalists, who pass as ''The Bashful Boys'', and their music has enlivened the scene since their arrival.
A concert was held in the local hall on Boxing Night, and was largely attended by visitors. The funds were in aid of providing facilities for the enjoyment of visitors. A collection was taken up amongst the visitors in aid of the Belgian Relief Fund.
• Messrs McIntosh and Butterworth are at present enjoying a fishing excursion around Lake Hawea (says our Hawea Flat correspondent), and are meeting with fair success.
Hitherto it has been thought that the brown trout in the lake could not be taken with rod and line, but among the first fish taken by this method were two of that species weighing 12lb.
Rainbow trout of fair size have also been secured by the fishermen, and the success met with will doubtless encourage other anglers to try their skill when the lake is open for fishing with rod and line.
• The great eastern battle is now raging at the white heat of determination and hot passions. There was some unimportant see-sawing between Neidenburg and Mlawa, but the events of critical moment have been happening further south.
The results are being awaited tremblingly in Berlin, and the people are being schooled by bulletins and newspapers to await the issue with patience, and not to be too sanguine of victories, as the troops cannot always be victorious, in a long campaign, and any reverses that come along must be borne with the composure of German ''kultur'', and so on.
All of this goes to show that the German authorities are not too sure of their position in Poland.
The Russians have checked the Germans everywhere, and have inflicted serious defeats on the Austrians, making at the same time great captures of men and material. The Russians say the battle is developing favourably for them.
• Walking down Queen street on Wednesday morning, an Auckland resident pulled out his handkerchief from his hip pocket and with it two five and a one pound note (says the Star). The money fell unnoticed to the ground.
A short time afterwards a boy passing along the street picked up the money and handed it to a policeman. Ultimately the owner of the money claimed his property at the police station and the boy was suitably rewarded.
- ODT, 29.12.1914.