Days appear numbered for free Sunday parking in Dunedin CBD

Cherry Lucas
Cherry Lucas
Dunedin residents could be forced to pay for parking on Sundays, despite one councillor calling the proposal "mean-spirited".

At the Dunedin City Council meeting yesterday, deputy mayor Cherry Lucas put forward a proposal for parking fees to be introduced for central city carparks on Sundays.

"I’m very mindful of the ability for our businesses, retail businesses in particular, to have that turnover of parking, especially on a Sunday," she said.

"A lot of employees choose to park on the street because it’s free — we would like the availability for people to come and shop in the city."

Cr Carmen Houlahan objected, saying the proposal would further disadvantage struggling businesses.

"Rates are high enough and increasing," she said.

"To be charging now for Sunday parking — which is something that has been free and encouraged people to come into town and spend on the shops that are open — I think it’s mean-spirited, unfair and unreasonable.

"I won’t be supporting it."

Cr Brent Weatherall, who owns Brent Weatherall Jeweller, in George St, dismissed her argument.

"It’s not mean-spirited, it’s just common sense," he said.

"The weekend trading, as a business owner, is very important to the businesses around and more important than actually a Monday or a Tuesday.

Carmen Houlahan
Carmen Houlahan
"I think it’s fantastic and long overdue."

His opinion was echoed by others around the council table.

"I just want to put this on the public record forever — to never be extinguished — I agree with Cr Weatherall," Cr Steve Walker declared.

Cr Christine Garey thanked Cr Lucas for raising the proposal and said she fully supported it.

"We’re going line-by-line and this is the line-by-line — finding ways we can generate more revenue as well as cutting costs."

Dunedin Mayor Jules Radich said he had been asked by several business owners for parking fees to be extended to Sundays.

"They were actually complaining about their own shop assistants that insisted on parking right outside the shop and they didn’t want to shift ... taking up valuable shopping space."

Cr David Benson-Pope said he supported the proposal, but anticipated a backlash.

"I just hope, though, given the inevitable push-back ... that we will get around this, that we do do some associated marketing."

The council approved a motion including the proposal in the city properties draft fees and charges.

It will be used to develop the nine-year plan which will be consulted on by the community

