Steps towards a prosperous, thriving future

You may have heard or seen Murihiku Regeneration (Regen) mentioned in interviews or articles and wondered how it relates to Southland. Let me take this opportunity to enlighten you.

Murihiku Regen was established in 2020 by Hokonui Rūnanga as a portfolio and projects office to collaborate with the Crown, ensuring Treaty obligations to Ngai Tahu are upheld in a way that benefits our region. Its purpose is to develop a clear, coherent strategy for a prosperous, sustainable Murihiku/Southland, fostering growth while protecting our environment and enhancing the wellbeing of our people.

At the heart of Murihiku Regen’s work is a commitment to supporting local aspirations through community development, education, and upskilling initiatives. By taking a holistic approach, it aims to create opportunities that will sustain the lifestyles and livelihoods of Southlanders for generations to come.

One of Murihiku Regen’s key initiatives was hosting a recent wānanga (conference) on November 26 and 27, focused on "Energy and Innovation: Turning Strategy into Action".

The event drew in international attendees and ambassadors keen to explore opportunities in Southland and connect with local leaders.

Why the global interest? Southland is a region on the cusp of transformation. With its natural resources, such as renewable energy, innovative projects, and a strong commitment to sustainability, the region is well-positioned for future growth. International investors want to partner, seeing Murihiku/Southland as a place ripe with potential for both economic development and environmental care.

Murihiku Regeneration is about more than just economic growth; it’s about building a thriving, healthy region in the national interest that future generations will be proud to call home. By working together with iwi, the Crown, and international stakeholders, the vision of a vibrant and sustainable Murihiku is well within reach.

By Shelley Karena