Kaka Point Community Group members Oscar Dunn (left) and Blair Stephens man the barbecue for the group’s sausage sizzle fundraiser at the Kaka Point Market Day on Sunday. PHOTO: NICK BROOK
Organisers Wilma Ryan and Christene Dennison said the move had proved positive, encouraging the "weather gods" to temporarily stop the summer rain and lay on some sunshine.
"The domain is our village green space, and probably a bit underused at present, so funds raised from the market will go towards enhancements like picnic tables and benches."
Mrs Ryan said more than 1000 people had attended the market, leaving stallholders delighted.
"Another advantage of the move here is that we have a lot more capacity for stalls, so we hope to see it grow each year now."
She said a Pimms tent fundraiser for the playground was particularly popular, bringing a little extra sunshine to the coast for the day.