Event feedback

Members of the public have more time to make a submission on the Dunedin City Council’s draft festivals and events plan.

A surge of interest after the initial consultation period, which ran from December 5, 2024 to January 5, has prompted the council to provide a new deadline of Monday, January 20 for submissions.

Economic development committee chairman Andrew Whiley said the draft festivals and events plan would play a key role in shaping the future of events in Dunedin.

It also sets out broad focus areas and a new vision to ensure the council has a collective view of where it wanted to take events, what made them a success, and how they enriched the city.

"This is an important document which sets an aspirational direction for our events in Dunedin and many of these events are led by our community, so it’s essential for them to have their say on this plan," Cr Whiley said.

The plan will replace the previous festivals and events plan 2018-2023.

Seventeen submissions were received during the initial consultation period.

Preliminary engagement and workshops with a wide range of stakeholders held in August and September last year also informed the draft plan.

Dunedin Destination manager Sian Sutton said due to ongoing interest in the draft plan, it had decided to reopen the consultation period.

"We really want as many submissions as possible from industry and community.’’

Submissions close at 5pm on Monday.