English steps up as Key flies out

Deputy prime minister Bill English
Deputy prime minister Bill English
Just over 24 hours after being sworn in, Bill English will be acting prime minister.

John Key leaves for Lima, Peru, early this afternoon to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (Apec) summit meeting, leaving the Government in Mr English's care.

Mr Key became prime minister, and Mr English his deputy, just after 11am yesterday when Governor-General Anand Satyanand swore in 20 cabinet ministers, three more outside cabinet, and five from the minor parties that have signed support agreements with National.

Just before the ceremony, former prime minister Helen Clark resigned the warrants held by her ministers and the Government changed hands.

Mr Key called his first cabinet meeting yesterday afternoon to tell his ministers what he expected of them and to explain the economic problems they are going to have to deal with.

"And, in reality, 24 hours from now I will be leaving for Lima where I think the message on the international stage will be that there's still great concern about the financial crisis, and the world will have to work together to find solutions," he said.

At the summit Mr Key will be alongside prime ministers and presidents from Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Indonesia, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Peru, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the United States and Vietnam.

The crisis that is plunging the world into recession is set to dominate the summit, along with efforts to firm up an international response.

Apec member countries account for half the world's trade and nearly 60 percent of its gross domestic product.

Also involved in the discussions will be Mr Key's foreign affairs spokesman, Murray McCully, and trade spokesman Tim Groser.

They left earlier this week to attend preliminary meetings and will be sworn in when they return.

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