In a report to January’s Central Otago District Council hearings panel, planner Adam Vincent recommended the panel grant consent for Ngai Tahu Property’s application to create 180 variable-size lots and eight superlots for future development.
Mr Vincent also said the application did not need to be publicly notified.
More than $3m would be required from the developers for water supply, wastewater, reserves and roading under the council’s development and financial contributions policy.
A separate consent had been granted earlier for the site clearing, which was now completed. Pine trees have been cleared and the 14.4ha site, bordered by the Alexandra Golf Club, State Highway 8, Dunstan Park and Dunstan Rd, in the area known as The Pines, had been fenced.
In the initial development, 180 residential sections would be developed, ranging in size from 320sq m to 711sq m with most of 500sq m-600sq m. The eight superlots would be between 1209sq m-2175sq m and developed later.
Seven lots would be vested as reserves with one intended to be a neighbourhood park.
In the past there had been household rubbish dumped on the site but the more concerning matter was that there had been a shotgun range on the land in the past and some of the land was contaminated with lead. It was also possible other metals such as antimony, copper, chromium or cadmium may be present.
Remediation of that area would be required but it was in the planned later stages of the development.
The variation in lot sizes would allow for a range of price points and living options.
‘‘I consider that the proposal will create a substantial positive effect in terms of the provision of additional housing on land earmarked for that purpose. Provision of additional housing helps provide for the social needs of the community by providing space for residents to live, both as owner occupiers and renters,’’ he said.
The council hearings panel will consider the report at its meeting on January 21.