Exhibitions merge for art awards

A RANGE of artists from around Aotearoa, including a 5-year-old, will have their work on display at the first annual ILT Murihiku Art Awards this year.

In previous years, the Invercargill Public Art Gallery held the spring exhibition, while the Southland ArtsSociety hosted the ILT Art Awards.

Invercargill Public Art Gallery and He Waka Tuia manager Sarah Brown said the exhibitions were generally held around the same time so it made sense to merge the two.

“There were similar ideas around the two and by combining them we get to make the most of our individual strengths.”

More than 200 entries from artists all over the country were whittled down to 65 by guest judge, Christchurch-based curator Jane Wallace.

“She would have had a tough time choosing the pieces that will show in the exhibition, all the entries were fantastic,” Brown said.

“Judging art is subjective, so Jane’s decisions were based on what caught her eye as an individual.

‘‘She didn’t know ages or other identifying factors, so our 5-year-old entrant and his family are over the moon that his piece was chosen.”

All works on display were up for sale, Brown said.

Southland Arts Society treasurer Pip Munro said it was great to see the arts community working together to bring this merged awards show to life.

“It’s a new chapter in history for these two institutions. We’ve come together to do something amazing.”

Of the 65 artists chosen, 50 were within the Murihiku boundaries.