Local Legend: Trudy Johnston

This week’s winner of the Silver Fern Farms Local Legend prize is Trudy Johnston, of Milton.

Trudy was nominated for giving her time to others, most recently her mother, who has cancer.

Her nominator said she was "doing an amazing job making sure Mum’s been fed".

"Trudy works two jobs and has a big household of her own to feed and kids to look after but without doubt she cooks Mum a yummy dinner each night and drops it off for her, even if it means she cooking two different meals if there’s something in particular Mum feels like eating.

"She is an absolute legend and deserves a leg of lamb for doing her best for everyone."

Congratulations to Trudy, and a reminder to send your nomination names, their contact details and why they deserve the prize to evelyn.thorn@alliedpress.co.nz and they could be in to win.