Obituary: Joe Egan, musician

Joe Egan of Stealers Wheel performs on stage at Pink Pop festival, Geleen, June 11, 1973. Photo:...
Joe Egan of Stealers Wheel performs on stage at Pink Pop festival, Geleen, June 11, 1973. Photo: Getty Images
If your fate is to be a one-hit wonder, it helps if it is a belter. Scottish singer-songwriter Joe Egan was a more than decent musician and tunesmith, but the song he co-wrote with fellow Stealers Wheel frontman Gerry Rafferty, Stuck in the Middle With You, remained his calling card. A big hit in 1973, reaching eight in the English charts and six on the US singles charts, it enjoyed an early-’90s revival when an emerging US film-maker called Quentin Tarantino reportedly blew the entire music budget for his debut feature film, Reservoir Dogs, on securing the rights to the song. Its jaunty melody was a stark counterpoint to a brutally violent scene which sat at the heart of the movie and revived interest in Stealers Wheel all over again. Born in Paisley, Egan, a decent footballer, switched to music and struck gold in his partnership with Rafferty. Although it was not an easy relationship — Rafferty left the band twice — the men remained fast friends and as Rafferty’s solo career burgeoned he called on his old friend for backing vocals or songwriting assistance more than a few times. After the band’s final break-up Egan continued as a solo artist and released several albums but never repeated the success of Stuck in the Middle With You. Egan died on July 6 aged 77. — Agencies