Science teacher who abused boy to appeal sentence

Amadeo Enriquez Ballestero was found with child exploitation material after sexual allegations...
Amadeo Enriquez Ballestero was found with child exploitation material after sexual allegations were raised. PHOTO: FELICITY DEAR
An "obsessed and infatuated" Dunedin science teacher who repeatedly sexually abused a teenage boy is appealing his sentence.

Amadeo Enriquez Ballestero, 45, was jailed for two and a-half years when he came before the Christchurch District Court in July but yesterday the Ministry of Justice confirmed a legal challenge had been filed.

The hearing was scheduled for next month, the ministry said.

Enriquez Ballestero, who made a name for himself as a charismatic science educator at Tuhura Otago Museum, was unmasked at sentencing when his name suppression lapsed, sending shockwaves through the local education community.

The court heard Enriquez Ballestero, by that stage based in Christchurch, met the victim at a school interest group, gained the trust of the boy’s mother and frequently visited their home.

The victim said the ordeal made him feel "so low, so dark".

"I have scrubbed my skin bloody many times."

Between January 2021 and September 2023, Enriquez Ballestero took the victim — often with others — on overnight trips around the South Island, staying in rented accommodation.

On several trips to the Catlins, Enriquez Ballestero, wearing "baggy underwear", would sleep in the same bed as the boy and spoon him.

The crimes also happened in the victim’s Dunedin home.

Enriquez Ballestero would climb into bed with the boy early in the morning, embrace him and on "numerous occasions" kissed his arms, wrists, head and feet.

On one occasion he sucked the boy’s fingers before performing a more invasive sex act.

When police interviewed Enriquez Ballestero in November last year, he admitted parts of the physical contact and explained he loved the boy.

When forensic investigators analysed Enriquez Ballestero’s electronic devices they found he had recorded himself abusing the boy and also had 195 other child-exploitation files.

At the time of sentencing Enriquez Ballestero’s teaching registration had lapsed and he had "voluntarily agreed not to teach" according to the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand database.

The website now lists his registration as "cancelled".

Enriquez Ballestero is eligible for parole in May next year.

— Rob Kidd, Court reporter


