Man to be deported following assaults

A Lake Hawea man who indecently assaulted two women in Cromwell has been sentenced to 13 months’ imprisonment.

Josefa Walu Boteilagi, 27, a Fijian national, assaulted the first victim in Cromwell on May 14 last year after offering her a ride home.

She had been socialising at the Victoria Arms Hotel when, at 1am, she decided to walk home.

She accepted a lift from the defendant, who had also been at the hotel, but began panicking when he did not follow her directions to her home.

As they travelled along McNulty Rd, Boteilagi put his hand on her thigh.

When she protested, he said "it’s OK, I know what I’m doing", and moved his hand towards her crotch.

Despite her yelling at him to stop and pushing his hand away, he continued touching her thigh and tried to hug her.

She opened her door while the car was moving, prompting Boteilagi to stop the car, then ran to a nearby house and asked the occupant to call the police.

In another incident on February 8, the defendant and the second victim were at the same social event when he offered her a lift to her car, which was parked some distance away.

During the journey, he stopped and pulled the victim towards him, tried to kiss her, and touched her breast and thigh.

He persisted despite her repeatedly telling him "no".

Reading her victim impact statement at Boteilagi’s sentencing in the Alexandra District Court on Thursday, the first victim said she had decided to walk home after having an argument with her partner.

Since the "terrifying and disgusting" assault, she had suffered flashbacks and had trouble sleeping.

It had also affected her relationships, especially with her partner.

"I struggle to accept help from people I don’t know ... the fear and discomfort have affected every aspect of my existence, making day-to-day activities a challenge and leaving me feeling alone and unable to trust.

"I’ve had to work hard to rebuild my sense of safety, my relationships and my self-worth, all of which were shattered that night."

Judge Dominic Flatley said the victims had been vulnerable and "effectively trapped" in the defendant’s vehicle.

The second assault in particular had involved planning and premeditation.

"This is something you’d done before, and you had it in mind to do it again.

"The damage you’ve done to your victims simply cannot be underestimated."

He sentenced Boteilagi to 13 and a-half months’ prison, also taking into account three charges of driving while disqualified that occurred between December 30 and February 14.

Boteilagi, who has been in custody for more than six months, had been in New Zealand on a work visa.

He will be released from prison in a few weeks, then deported.