Not right says Fred

Developer Fred van Brandenburg’s not happy with the height of this building in his subdivision....
Developer Fred van Brandenburg’s not happy with the height of this building in his subdivision. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
A Queenstowner who developed the Speargrass Flat subdivision where council’s allowed an allegedly over-height building says it makes "a nonsense" of it.

Architect Fred van Brandenburg’s commenting on a Mountain Scene story last week, where a former planning hearings commissioner says bunds in this subdivision were designed to hide one-storey buildings, "but the council’s allowed, effectively, a one-storey building on top of a bund".

Van Brandenburg says: "The intention was to have single-storey houses tucked in behind the mounds, such that they couldn’t overlook the mounds.

"I specifically [allowed] over-sized building platforms so a single-storey house could spread out."

He notes the mounds were "hugely controversial" at the time, "but now they’re commonplace".

"That was the prototype for [the nearby] Hawthorn [subdivision], which was to come afterwards."

Allowing a quasi two-storey building is "against the spirit of the subdivision, or indeed, perhaps, even the condition of the subdivision", he says.

"It makes a nonsense of the intention of the original subdivision."

