Tutors savour learning experience

Tutor Emiko Cowell shows Dunedin WEA - Te Wāhi Ākoranga o Ōtepoti tutors (from left) Ron Esplin, Natalie Cheetham, Chrissie Hollamby and Alison Ford how to make Japanese dumplings.

The tutors took part in the workshop as part of the Festival of Adult Learning - Ahurei Ākonga week. Dunedin WEA president Mary Geary said 14 tutors, along with committee members, participated in the workshop, which was funded by Adult and Community Education Aotearoa.

As well as a chance to network and have some fun, the event was a chance for the team to engage as learners.

‘‘We want our tutors to think about how they learn so they can continue to apply some good adult teaching principles and theory to their classes.’’

Earlier in the day she guided the tutors in a professional learning workshop exploring the national standards for adult education.

‘‘Following the workshop we are hoping our tutors will think about the learning experience and how their teaching meets the needs of their students.’’

Mrs Geary said Dunedin WEA’s term four class programme had recently been released and could be viewed at dunedinwea.org.nz.