West Coast whitebaiter dies after being swept to sea

Police and onlookers watch as a rescue helicopter flies over Rapahoe Beach, where a man drowned...
Police and onlookers watch as a rescue helicopter flies over Rapahoe Beach, where a man drowned this morning. Photo: Greymouth Star
A West Coast whitebaiter drowned this morning when he was swept to sea by a rogue wave at Rapahoe as he was setting his net.

A fellow whitebaiter raised the alarm and watched helplessly as the drama unfolded about 10am.

The Greymouth Star understands the victim was just putting his net in at the mouth of Seven Mile Creek for the mid-morning high tide when he was struck from behind by a wave, which filled his waders and dragged him into the sea.

The Runanga, Cobden and Greymouth fire brigades, together with police, St John and the Roa Mining West Coast Rescue Helicopter all responded immediately.

The helicopter hovered over the mouth of the creek for a short time before landing on the southern side and then taking to the air again.

It was stood down as the man was pulled from the surf by police and a member of the public.

Resuscitation attempts were made on the shingled beach but to no avail.

The victim is understood to be a well-known local resident.

Runanga deputy fire chief Aaron Sheehan said while a water rescue kit was on hand, the sea was very rough and turbulent, with a king tide.

"It was too risky to put anyone in the water to attempt a rescue because of the swells and debris in the water, so a helicopter was brought in."

Police requested fire crews access the deceased man's vehicle to find identification.