Speed limit about-face cautiously welcomed

The speed limit on this stretch of Riccarton Rd has returned to its original limit of 80km per...
The speed limit on this stretch of Riccarton Rd has returned to its original limit of 80km per hour. PHOTO: STEPHEN JAQUIERY
Residents are pleased the Dunedin City Council has reversed a speed limit reduction on a busy Taieri road.

In July 2023, a temporary 50kmh speed limit was introduced by the Dunedin City Council along part of Riccarton Rd in response to community feedback about vehicle speeds in the area.

Now the road has reverted to 80kmh in response to community feedback.

A Riccarton Rd resident, who declined to be named, was happy with the change.

"I’m pleased that it is back to normal. Back to what is used to be.

"I think it will be good."

They had heard complaints about the temporary speed limit and people not following it.

These complaints were echoed by a Riccarton Rd East resident.

However, their main concern was the difficultly exiting the road on to State Highway 1.

Riccarton Rd West resident Noeline Devlin said the change had little effect on her as she rarely drove, but it might for others.

"People do speed up here and there’s really no need for it. Probably wouldn’t be very good if they were roaring past [my house] all the time."

However, the change in speed limit was "probably" good, she said.

A council spokesman said the council had intended to consider the road’s permanent speed limit as part of a review of its speed management plan for 2024-27.

"Changes introduced by the new government mean this is not proceeding at this stage."

The council would consider any other changes at a later date.



