Foundation willing bequests

Tori Keating. PHOTO: ARCHIVE
Tori Keating. PHOTO: ARCHIVE
Queenstowners are being encouraged to think about future generations ahead of today’s ‘International Wills Day’.

Part of September’s Wills Month, the initiative aims to raise awareness about the importance of having a will, and inspire people to take steps to secure their legacies, and ensure their wishes are carried out.

According to a recent survey, about 50% of Kiwis either don’t have a will, or haven’t updated it in several years.

Wakatipu Community Foundation (WCF) chair Steven Brent, who’s also a local lawyer, says creating a will helps avoid family disputes and can "significantly reduce" the legal and financial burdens on loved ones, but notes they can easily become outdated.

"So September is a good time to dust off your will, and make sure it reflects your current wishes."

He also encourages locals to consider leaving a gift in their will to causes that matter to them, or to the foundation to invest it to create future income for a cause close to their hearts.

For example, xtravel owner Tori Keating, right, has bequeathed a portion of her will to WCF — income generated from the fund will go to Remarkable Theatre and St John Ambulance, to help ensure future generations will experience cultural enrichment and life-saving care.

More info on Wills Month, including a free will information pack, is available via WCF’s website.

