Find your volunteer fit

People finding their perfect match at a speed dating for volunteers event organised Volunteer...
People finding their perfect match at a speed dating for volunteers event organised Volunteer South in Wanaka. An evening to match up organisations with helpers will be held in Cromwell next month. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Speed dating was designed to reduce the agony of long first dates when things were clearly not going to improve with time.

Beginning as a volunteer with an organisation can be similar to dating when, after getting involved, you realise it just is not going to work.

Volunteer South has combined the two to create an opportunity for people wanting to volunteer and organisations needing help to "speed date" their way around a room to find out where there might be a spark.

The first Find Your Perfect Match was held in February as a combined effort by Volunteer South, Central Otago District Council Welcoming Communities and Alexandra Community House.

Volunteer South community connector Neha Gosalia said about 50 people came and met with a range of organisations, from sport and arts to emergency response.

It was so successful there would now be a similar event held in Cromwell, with Cromwell Community House and Central Otago District Council helping Volunteer South put it on, she said.

So far ten groups had booked a booth and there was room for more. People would have three and a-half minutes to chat at each station before moving on to the next. They could leave their details if they wanted to follow up, but there would be no pressure to sign up for anything.

"It’s not a recruitment drive," Ms Gosalia said.

People might find organisations they did not know about in town, and it also gave the groups a chance to network.

Find Your Perfect Match will be held at the Cromwell Bowling Club on September 10 from 4.30pm-6.30pm.

To register for a booth, contact sueobrien @