Your donation helps people like Jillian facing cancer

(Daffodil Day24 Jillian) (From left) Dave, Jillian, Lyn (Cancer Society Volunteer), and Angela...
(Daffodil Day24 Jillian) (From left) Dave, Jillian, Lyn (Cancer Society Volunteer), and Angela Melrose (Cancer Navigator).
Jillian's life took an unexpected turn when, at 60, she underwent a routine bowel cancer screening. She had no prior symptoms, and the diagnosis came as a shock. Living in quiet resilience with her supportive partner, Dave, Jillian faced the battle ahead with unwavering determination. 

In June 2023, Jillian underwent surgery, followed by six gruelling months of fortnightly chemotherapy. The physical and emotional toll was immense, compounded by her pre-existing hip issues that left her largely housebound.

To make matters more challenging Dave is disabled and unable to drive, but despite this he has remained a steadfast source of strength and support.

Throughout this difficult journey, the Cancer Society's Cancer Navigator, Angela Melrose, became a beacon of hope for Jillian and Dave. Angela's home visits provided not just practical support, but also a compassionate presence that lifted their spirits. With mobility being a significant hurdle, Lyn, a dedicated Cancer Society volunteer driver, became their lifeline, ensuring they could get to essential appointments and treatments. 

The road was further complicated when Dave broke his arm while Jillian was undergoing chemotherapy. The additional support from the Cancer Society during this time was invaluable. Jillian has now completed her chemotherapy and is under surveillance, marking a new chapter in her recovery. 

Finding solace and connection, Jillian has started attending coffee and craft groups at the Cancer Society, where she has discovered a community of strength and shared experiences. The Christmas Hamper and care packages provided by the Cancer Society brought unexpected joy and comfort during the festive season. 

For over a year, Angela's unwavering support has included securing a total mobility card for Jillian, allowing her reduced taxi fees and a newfound sense of independence. Dave's unwavering support has been Jillian's rock, standing by her through every challenge. Jillian often says, "This journey has been just as much Dave’s as mine. He has been there to support me all the way." 

This Daffodil Day, Jillian's story stands as a testament to the power of community, love, and resilience in the face of adversity. 

The campaign for Daffodil Day this year, ‘‘The 1 in 3 Could Be Me,’’ highlights the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 New Zealanders will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, and emphasises the urgent need for collective action.

Please join the Cancer Society this year in raising funds for your local community.

You can support Daffodil Day by organising your own fundraiser or  sign up to be a volunteer. By participating in Daffodil Day 2024, you are making a practical difference in the lives of those affected by Cancer.

Every donation, regardless of size, helps the Cancer Society provide vital services and fund research to save lives.

For more information, please visit