A second slip on the coast at Kakanui is again threatening the road, causing concern for the Waitaki District Council.
The sea has undercut limestone below Beach Rd, north of Kakanui, calving great chunks of rock into the sea.
That is not far north from where it did the same thing in May, exacerbated by heavy rain and sodden soil on top, reducing the road to a single laneThis time, two lanes of the road remain.
However, the council has put cones along the edge to keep traffic away from the shoulder where the cliff face has slipped into the sea, as well as acting as a visible warning should more of the shelf break away.
Roading manager Michael Voss said nothing indicated the slip would move closer to the road.
''We have not detected any surface cracks or sinking in the road.
"However, we have employed specialist geotechnical engineers who are examining the cliff face and will provide some indication of its stability.''
In the meantime, drivers using Beach Rd are urged to take care and heed any speed restrictions that may be put in place.
''We are considering speed restrictions to reduce vibration from heavy vehicles. That decision is yet to be made.''
The council has been looking at various options for the road since the first slip, including negotiating with a landowner in an attempt to move it further inland.
''We continue to investigate long-term solutions to Beach Rd and hope to have a solution in the near future,'' he said.