Another DCC manager resigns

Maree Clarke
Maree Clarke
The Dunedin City Council's Citifleet scandal has prompted a third senior manager to resign.

Council chief executive Dr Sue Bidrose this afternoon issued a media statement confirming the resignation of the council's financial controller, Maree Clarke, had been accepted "with sadness".

Mrs Clarke's decision to resign meant she followed in the footsteps of two other senior managers, Tony Avery and Kevin Thompson, who have already resigned after details of the council's alleged $1.5 million vehicle fraud were revealed.

Dr Bidrose said Mrs Clarke was "well regarded" by her colleagues, and the Deloitte report made it clear she was not aware of the alleged fraud "in any way".

However, responsibility for the council's financial reporting and controls rested with Mrs Clarke, as financial controller, Dr Bidrose said.

"Maree has told me that she believes the ongoing process of improvement of the Council's systems will benefit from fresh leadership and I have accepted her resignation on that basis."

Dr Bidrose's statement also confirmed Mrs Clarke was among 25 past and present council staff to have bought a Citifleet car.

That was "normal practice" within the council at the time, and the money she paid for it made it to the council's account, Dr Bidrose confirmed.
Mrs Clarke's 11-year career at the council began in 2003 and saw her promoted to financial controller in 2008.

Dr Bidrose said Mrs Clarke had "led by example" within the council's finance team, working to achieve "the best outcomes for the council and the city".

She had agreed to continue in her role during a transition and recruitment period, but was expected to finish prior to Christmas.


