Rural Conversations: Cameron Reed - Regional Manager, ANZ New Zealand Ltd

What steps are you taking to stay competitive and resilient in the face of domestic and global challenges?  

Cameron Reed, Business & Agri Regional Manager, ANZ New Zealand Ltd
Cameron Reed, Business & Agri Regional Manager, ANZ New Zealand Ltd

Having recently joined ANZ, I was immediately impressed by the team – a deeply talented and highly committed group of bankers that live and breathe the Agri sector. 

I myself also come from a rural background – our family farm in Darfield has been going for more than 120 years now – so I understand the value of lasting relationships. 

And its these enduring relationships - often spanning decades, or even generations - that underpin the team’s efforts to support our customers. 

From their ability to provide good advice and insights based on data, to benchmarking and a wealth of personal knowledge, we know it’s all about teamwork. 

We’re finding that technical and business advice around efficiency and productivity can help our farmers get the very most out of their farms, with the same or lesser inputs.  

When our international competitors are rapidly innovating and adapting, we can’t afford to stand still. 

We’re encouraging customers to continue to take that long-term view, but with short-term action plans built in along the way, and a few milestones to celebrate achievements. 

Resilience is always a focus – and we’re acutely aware of farming through cycles – there are always going to be ups and downs, and planning for these is key.  

Having a strong relationship with your banking partner is also important - open dialogue and working together is fundamental when going through those cycles. 

And we all know the famous Kiwi saying – “she’ll be right” – but sometimes our mental and emotional resilience also needs a bit more attention. 

Organisations like Rural Support Trust - which ANZ is proud to have supported - does a pretty special job up and down the country getting farmers out their gates for a catchup and a break. 

Matt Chisholm’s Time Out Tour, which has toured the country, has been a roaring success by all accounts. 

We’re also investing in initatives like AgriZeroNZ, which is getting in behind the research and development of new tools and technologies, to help our farmers remain competitive internationally, while also lowering their emissions. 


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