Your local Skin Institute clinics in Dunedin and Queenstown offer all of this and more.
From complete skin cancer services – including detection, diagnosis and treatment – plus effective non-surgical treatment for varicose veins, and a wide range of appearance medicine procedures that address a variety of concerns.
Skin Institute provide a comprehensive care pathway for patients. They understand that, particularly with skin cancer, treatment involves more than just surgery.
That's why they offer a range of services to support patients throughout their journey.
Their care pathway begins with thorough skin cancer screenings and early detection methods, and their team of experienced skin cancer doctors and nurse dermoscopists use advanced techniques to identify and diagnose skin cancer at its earliest stages.
This allows for prompt treatment and better outcomes.
By offering comprehensive skin cancer treatment, veins and appearance medicine services in one clinic, Skin Institute make the journey as seamless as possible.
Their dedicated team is committed to providing exceptional care and achieving the best possible outcomes for every individual.
For more information please visit, Skin Institute, 03 477 7151, 7A York Place, Central Dunedin