Galaxiid ecosanctuary proposal presented

Pomahaka Water Care Group co-ordinator Craig Simpson wants to transform this paddock on the edge...
Pomahaka Water Care Group co-ordinator Craig Simpson wants to transform this paddock on the edge of Tapanui into a galaxiid ecosanctuary. PHOTO: RICHARD DAVISON
An eco project to help conserve a rare native galaxiid fish may soon come to fruition in West Otago.

Five years ago, then Pomahaka Water Care Group (PWCG) chairman Lloyd McCall called upon Tapanui schools to adopt a stretch of the town’s Patterson Creek, which runs through a patch of scrub paddock in Kent St.

Yesterday, PWCG co-ordinator Craig Simpson presented a proposal to the West Otago Community Board to formally develop the land — part of the Clutha District Council’s Pound Reserve — into a small ecosanctuary of about 0.65ha.

Mr Simpson said the group wanted to fence off a section of the reserve and add a loop track, seating and an access gateway.

"The site has a section of Patterson Creek running through it with a healthy population of West Otago’s endemic, non-migratory fish, Pomahaka galaxias.

"To have a population so close to town is a great opportunity to protect these fish, continue to raise awareness in local schools for use as an educational resource and for the local community as a recreational amenity."

The group had funding in place to plant native species in the area, which it would engage local schools to participate in, he said.

It would seek external funding or community support to install the loop track and seating, given the project received community board and council approval.

"Looking at the site again today, it doesn’t require much work to get it up and going.

"We’d put some information panels in place so people can learn more about this unique species and its habitat, and perhaps look at a trout barrier for protection down the track. It would be nice to make it a bit of a destination."

Council community plan implementation manager Mike Goldsmith told the board, although the project was not specifically listed under the Our Place West Otago community plan, it conformed to requirements for approval and possible funding.

A decision will be made at a later council meeting.