Change definitely coming but how much?

Pulse goal keep Kelly Jackson and Mystics Grace Nweke battle during the ANZ Premiership final....
Pulse goal keep Kelly Jackson and Mystics Grace Nweke battle during the ANZ Premiership final. PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES
Questions remain over the future of the ANZ Premiership and what the league could look like in the coming years. But Sunday’s nail-biting final was a thrilling end to show there is still merit in the national league. Netball writer Kayla Hodge has some questions and names her team of the year.

The questions

Change is coming

The ANZ Premiership will be cut from three rounds to two next season and it begs more questions than answers at this stage.

Every game is going to count that much more and there really will be no second chances come 2025. In one way that is exciting and could make every game more intense. On the other hand, it is a shame our premier netball competition is being cut back so drastically and our players are facing an uncertain future. Three new coaches will also join the league which will add something extra.


How do we feel about the new innovations that might be introduced? Two-point shots for the entire game, captain’s challenges and umpires wearing microphones are all being pitched. Australia has long had the two-point shot, but only for the final five minutes of each game and having it for the entire game would be a radical shake-up. Change is needed to reinvigorate the competition, but are there too many being made at once?

Crossing the Ditch?

Rumours are swirling that Netball New Zealand might relax the rules for domestic players to join Australia’s Super Netball next season without having to forfeit playing for the Silver Ferns. That would be massive and could see some of our top talent plying their trade elsewhere next season. Grace Nweke, naturally, has been the big name on everyone’s lips tipped to move.

Team of the year

Goal shoot

Ellie Bird (Tactix)

A bold call, but with Grace Nweke and Amelia Walmsley missing a chunk of the season, Bird stood tall. Finished with the highest percentage of 93.3%.

Goal attack

Ameliaranne Ekenasio (Magic)

The Silver Ferns captain is back to her very best. A promising sign on the eve of internationals.

Wing attack

Whitney Souness (Pulse)

Nobody could stop the pocket rocket when she was on fire. Finished with 416 centre pass receives, 119 ahead of the next person.


Kate Heffernan (Steel)

The Steel’s backbone and rock solid all season through the middle.

Wing defence

Michaela Sokolich-Beatson (Mystics)

Just your classic wing defence. Nothing flashy but really eliminated the threat of some wing attacks throughout the season.

Goal defence

Karin Burger (Tactix)

Had a few quiet games but closing speed, energy and always pulls something out when it counts.

Goal keep

Kelly Jackson (Pulse)

Should be the first name on every list. Topped every defensive statistic in the league.

Reserves:  Grace Nweke (Mystics), Te Paea Selby-Rickit (Tactix), Claire O’Brien (Magic), Kimiora Poi (Tactix), Phoenix Karaka (Mystics), Erena Mikaere (Magic).