Ice water in their veins

Maia Petterson, 16, of Gore, competes in the advanced novice girls event.
Maia Petterson, 16, of Gore, competes in the advanced novice girls event. PHOTOS: SANADY EGGLESTON
Jaelyn Scully, 9, of Riversdale, concentrates during her routine in the Kiwiskate under-12 event.
Jaelyn Scully, 9, of Riversdale, concentrates during her routine in the Kiwiskate under-12 event.
Shanae Taylor, 12, of Gore, looks poised as she glides across the ice in the Kiwiskate girls event.
Shanae Taylor, 12, of Gore, looks poised as she glides across the ice in the Kiwiskate girls event.
Jessica Brown, 11, of Gore, takes part in the Kiwiskate under-12 event.
Jessica Brown, 11, of Gore, takes part in the Kiwiskate under-12 event.

The Otago Southland Ice Figure Skating Championships were held in Gore on Saturday.

About 40 skaters ranging in ability from Kiwiskate under-12 to adults took part in the competition.

Icesport Southland president Robyn Morris said it was the first time some of the younger skaters had competed.

"It’s a great opportunity for many of our new skaters to participate in a competition in their own rank."

The Ensign reporter Sandy Eggleston was there with her camera.