Sifting information regular challenge

Information is powerful.

We are surrounded by information every day.

You are receiving information right now by consciously reading this piece, so thanks for stopping by.

The sheer volume of information in our every day lives can be overwhelming, and a bit of a mission to wade through.

You might be very choosy about what information you allow into your realm; prefer a warm fuzzy over the leading story on the evening news?

So do I, albeit rare that the leading story is one that makes me smile.

It’s hard to have a balanced view of current events when there is so much devastation and tragedy headlining the daily news, but I still tune every night at 6pm out of habit more than anything.

It was a daily ritual growing up, long before the advent of satellite channels broadcasting news stations from across the globe, before the internet and Google, and social media.

Just as video killed the radio star, these news and information streams have changed and will continue to change how we receive our national news bulletins.

How/where do you source your information? This is a question I ponder about our community.

I’m often asked what’s on around the area or meet people looking for an activity or group to join but aren’t sure where to start.

This very publication The Ensign was established in 1878, bringing local stories about local people into our homes.

Scoping through projects such as Ready for Living indicated a large portion of the community gather their local information from print media.

Or is it the digital space — Google is searched 8.5 billion times daily (and yes, I googled that) which opens a world of information at your fingertips within seconds, which you then must sift through to find your answer.

Then, there’s us!

A knowledgeable, friendly, face-to-face medium who can help you find the information you need.

Local, national, and global info, documents, forms, contacts, websites and support to navigate — we are here to connect Eastern Southland.

So come in and see us, we are here to help.